Q: Why do we have to pay to watch a live-streamed event?

A: To provide ASANA Live viewers a world-class live-streaming experience, professional video production and additional streaming services are required. This expense is offset by pay-per-view, allowing us to bring entertainment to our audience online and on-site.

Q: Will the prices stay the same, or will they ever increase?

A: As we started out on this new venture, we wanted to make it an easy transition for our fans to watch the pay-per-view content. The original pricing was only meant to be temporary to help us get this started, so viewers will see a slight price increase starting for our first event in 2024. We want to encourage our fans that we will not be increasing the prices very often, and only when absolutely necessary to keep up with our production and streaming costs.

Q: What if a live stream I paid for is cancelled?

A: Any cancelled events will result in a refund, or the payment will be applied to a future event.

Q: What is included with my pass purchase?

A: Your purchase will provide access to the live and on-demand streaming of the event(s) until it expires.

Q: If I'm not available to watch live, can I watch it later?

A: YES. With your stream or package purchases, you have access to the live event and all archived events that are included in your purchase option.

Q: What is a download only purchase, and how do I use it?

A: A purchased download is a copy of the live streamed event. It does not grant access to watch the event while it's live or on-demand from the website, rather you will be able to download a copy of the event onto your device to watch at any time, forever! In general, the download link will be available shortly after the event has ended, but can still be pre-purchased before then.

Q: I don't see my account verification email when registering?

A: Please check your spam/junk folder of your registering email for an email from Local Sports Live if you do not see it in your inbox. Alternatively, if you have a Google Account you can use the "Continue with Google" button on the LOGIN window.

Q:Who do I contact if there are any problems with my streaming?

A: With any technology and internet, occasional issues with the signal may arise. There is a Viewing Tips page available that can help resolve most issues. Click HERE to access it. If still experiencing issues, please direct all questions to